Seeking Magic

A journey and a path wait in front of me. Behind me, lies the wreckage of my dismantled past, where religion and the cross are scattered in heaps and set aflame. Around me, is a misty darkness, the deep purply blue and black of a bruise. There is profound peace, and there is weariness.

It’s the weariness that moves me forward. My soul aches for this world and our over-complications of this life, what it could have been. I carry a deep sadness and a rage for the universal wounding of us all.

In every direction, in the darkness, I hear the thunder of hooves. I hear the song of the birds & the voice of the trees, whose heavy limbs and ancient wisdom whisper me forward down the path.

I thank my lucky stars, for that’s what I believe in in this moment, for the guidance and promise of nature, because it is here where I believe I will find my truth. It’s not God or the gods I’m seeking, not Spirit or a creator, not religion in any form, I’m seeking the Magic and the Knowledge of the Mother herself, I’m seeking the mysteries that we uncover daily, and I am seeking it all with an open heart, to save myself from the sinister path that also calls to me, where cynicism, disdain, judgement and other insidious creepy crawlies live.

Beside me, a mare appears, though in truth she is always there. I climb atop her strong back and grab a handful of thick, silky mane.

This truth I know to be sacred, the mare is at the core of my Journey. Together we step out from the misty darkness and make our way onto the path, toward magic, toward the unknown.

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