Following Gold Lines On The Ground

There are 168 hours in a week. I spend about 15 of those hours in my car traveling from client to client for horse training or Equine Gestalt Coaching sessions.

15 hours a week feeling the whir of the tires on pavement eating up the miles, 15 hours on stretches of road that wind and curve or in traffic that stops and goes. 15 hours of windshield time, to contemplate and meditate in the quiet with the windows down and the sunshine streaming through. 15 hours of listening to music or more likely, seeking inspiration in horse and wellness themed podcasts.

My car smells of hay, stall shavings, horse cookies, old fashioned dirt. There is always mud on the floorboards and horse hair flying through the air, settling over every surface. I have a million water bottles rattling around, and my trunk could double as a mobile tack store. There are books, just in case, and chairs for parking and sitting under the shade of a tree.

My car and the roads on which we travel, represent freedom and possibilities and safety, a space in which I feel entirely myself, where I am the captain of my destiny and an impromptu road trip is only a gas station away. This is my nook in a corner of the world, where I can tap into who I am at my core, and become who I want to be.

I am fortunate to have a few spaces in my life where my authentic self can roam free. I know others are not as lucky, yet I hope you have carved out a space in your world that you call your own. I would love to hear about it. Where is your nook? What does it represent to you?

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